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Phone number



697 338 4241


From To
Monday 20.00 01.30
Tuesday 20.00 01.30
Wednesday 20.00 01.30
Thursday 20.00 01.30
Friday 20.00 01.30
Saturday 20.00 01.30


9 Οκτ 2016

It was fun

We visited the bar with friends and as usual when we go somewhere we managed to finish the stock of several types of beers they had. Quiet and very nice place,...
7 Οκτ 2016

big variety of beers

a nice bar with a lot of beers to choose and very tasty dishes. normal prices. not very good location.
12 Σεπτ 2016


Excellent for beer lovers (you will mostly find beers than drinks). Excellent beers acompanied with excellent food. A must vist in the city of Serres
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